Anatomy Of A Hack—The Rise And Fall Of Your Network

July 06, 2005


Anatomy Of A Hack—The Rise And Fall Of Your Network: "One of the great mysteries in security management is the modus operandi of an attacker. What is it that attackers do, and how do they do it? As with all great mysteries, this one generates a lot of interest, accounting for the phenomenal success of books and classes on how to actually attack networks. Although attacking networks can be fun and informative—not to mention illegal if you do not have all the proper permissions—the fact remains that the vast majority of us do not need to know how to do so. "

Nice article on how a hack goes down. A good read, I suggest everyone to take a look. If you have any more of these type articles/stories/case studies/etc, please drop me a comment.

Also, check out thisFun Link.