287497 - How to Use the Inbox Repair Tools to Recover Messages

March 29, 2004


287497 - How to Use the Inbox Repair Tools to Recover Messages
From Lockergnome: The Inbox Repair Tool can be used to fix corrupt PST files and even OST files. Although the tool can be useful, it isn't always able to repair every PST file. It works by repairing the PST file's header and then deleting anything in the file that it doesn't understand. So if a PST file's header is damaged, as may be the case for corruption that occurs during a version upgrade of Office, the tool should have no trouble making the repair. But if the data within the file is corrupt, the Inbox Repair Tool will likely destroy what's left of the file. That's why it's always good to make a backup of the PST file before running the Inbox Repair Tool.